Day: May 28, 2012

They called it “Bloody Angle”They called it “Bloody Angle”

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 5:35 am

“The trench on the Rebel side of the works was filled with their dead piled together in every way with their wounded.  The sight was terrible and ghastly.  We helped off their wounded as well we could, and searched for our own wounded in front.  Captain Corey was killed and never found.  Captain Thomas was found with twelve bullet wounds.  He had fallen and then been shot to pieces, possibly by his friends.  The horses of the regular battery were so shot that each was not over ten or twelve inches thick.” – Erasmus C. Gilbreath, 20th Indiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Spotsylvania, Virginia, May, 1864 (quoted in If It Takes All Summer, William D. Matter)