Day: March 13, 2013

Applied practical geometry (safe for home use)Applied practical geometry (safe for home use)

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 4:57 pm

“An interesting application of the theorem relating to similar triangles is this: Extend your arm and point to a distant object, closing your left eye and sighting across your finger tip with your right eye.  Now keep the finger in the same position and sight with your left eye.  The finger will then seem to be pointing to an object some distance to the right of the one at which you were pointing.  If you can estimate the distance between these two objects, which can often be done with a fair degree of accuracy when there are houses intervening, then you will be able to tell approximately your distance from the objects, for it will be ten times the estimated distance between them.” – David Eugene Smith, The Teaching of Geometry (1911)

Such as our recent history can demonstrateSuch as our recent history can demonstrate

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 4:46 am

“The greater our prosperity, moreover, the more should we seek the counsel of friends, and the greater the heed that should be given to their advice. Under such circumstances also we must beware of lending an ear to sycophants or allowing them to impose upon us with their flattery. For it is easy in this way to deceive ourselves, since we thus come to think ourselves duly entitled to praise; and to this frame of mind a thousand delusions may be traced, when men are puffed up with conceit and expose themselves to ignominy and ridicule by committing the most egregious blunders.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero, De Officiis (trans. Miller)