Day: August 1, 2013

Morning in BloomingtonMorning in Bloomington

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 3:53 am

Bloomington, Illinois — This morning much like yesterday.  Awake before 4:00, lying in bed till after 5:00, thinking (with eyes closed this time).  Much to do today and tomorrow, much to get right.  Sail the great yellow Penske land-caravel into Chicago and dock at the alleyway behind the building which harbors my new home which I haven’t yet seen beyond in the floor plan and what I could see of the exterior and the neighborhood in Google Maps Street View (I walked that whole neighborhood a few weeks ago in Google Maps Street View).  Meet with building management and get the keys (I should call them first and confirm I’m coming; I should keep their number close at hand for easy access; I should keep Eric’s number with it (I called him yesterday and left a message, told him our arrival is nigh, we will see him there, he need call only if he won’t be able to be there)).  Remain on the bridge of the LC Penske while my crew off-loads its cargo (but I should secure promise and payment of overnight docking facilities at the rumored gas station quay a block from the new home, and I should diesel up; the truck must be dropped off across town Saturday morning and must have a full tank; and I should diesel up here in Bloomington before departure, it’s likely to be less expensive than in Chicago).  And I should double-check my maps, make a couple quick sketches and some notes regarding today’s arrival and tomorrow’s expedition by El down the famed Red Line to the legendary Loop for the afternoon job interview (3:00 p.m., can not be late).  Oh, and I should make sure I know my route to the Penske delivery berth, truck’s due there by 9:00 tomorrow morning, should not be late.

Time to shower and dress and pop downstairs for breakfast (could use some coffee, there’s none here in the room).  Not a great many things to do, but all must be done and must be done right.