Day: May 11, 2023

after the dreamingafter the dreaming

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 5:47 pm

we woke up, wearing clothes and carrying weapons
we woke up, our women carrying babies on their hips
as we wandered the dry, sun-drenched plains

we woke up to find ourselves living in crowded cities
drinking beer in the cool, dark shops
grinding grain and gossiping by the city walls
watching the seasons and marking the stars
calculating when to plant the corn
painting ourselves, hacking the gemstones, melting the ores
prostrating ourselves before ten thousand gods

slicing the hearts from endless rows
of sacrificial victims captured by the soldiers
arrayed in endless rows of the armies
we found ourselves marching in when we woke up
out of our dreaming and into this nightmare

(Published in Synchronized Chaos, September, 2013; copyright 2023 by Tetman Callis.)

the latest true messiahthe latest true messiah

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 5:45 pm

the latest true messiah has arrived in town
he’s wearing sunglasses
he’s here to dedicate the new power plant

he has a winning smile
he wears a fine blue shirt and points this way and that
he says he’d love to stay a while longer and talk some more with us if only he could
but he has so very many things to do

his bodyguards make a way for him through the pressing crowd
we give way and he is gone
we don’t know when he may return but we are sure he will
we are sure he knows we want him to

(Copyright 2023 by Tetman Callis.)


Tetman Callis 0 Comments 5:21 am

he holds me down
he says, wider
he says, deeper
he says, you shall have no other before me
he says, you shall learn to love me for this

he fills me up, it hurts every time
he waits in the morning for me
he stands in the doorway
i turn my face away

(Copyright 2023 by Tetman Callis.)

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 5:20 am

“Whether Creation is thought of as the act of God evoked in Genesis or as the great singularity that has yielded, for our purposes, everything, the moment of Creation never ended. Fiat is always as good a metaphor as any for this stupendous, ongoing burst of energy that sustains itself as it changes, lending charm and strangeness to quarks, giving ingenuity to minds and hands, turning the heads of sunflowers. Anomalous as we seem, we are in the thick of it, together with all being.” – Marilynne Robinson, “Glories Stream from Heaven Afar” (interviewed by Daniel Drake and Lauren Kane)