Day: July 1, 2023


Tetman Callis 0 Comments 5:15 pm

this morning i was riding the elevator
up to the office where i work. i rode my bike
today and had my helmet dangling from my hand
and my leather jacket on, and i was feeling
so cool. there were two people in the elevator
with me, a young skinny guy in skinny young guy
clothes, and a plump blonde girl dressed to accentuate.
and i was thinking, man, i feel good. it always
makes me feel good, so pumped when i ride my bike.

so i got to my floor and i stopped by the men’s
room to process some coffee, and i go to
the urinal and reach down–and my fly is
open. i biked two miles in the cold april morning,
sauntered through the building lobby, rode the elevator
up with the skinny guy and the plump girl, and my
fly was open—zipper tongue all the way down
and poking out. (i’m glad my underwear wasn’t
showing.) the skinny guy i’d never seen before,
but the plump girl works in my building. she’s almost
certain to see me again, maybe even today,
the guy who had his fly down and was feeling cool.

(Copyright 2023 by Tetman Callis.)

undercover copundercover cop

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 6:25 am

i saw the prettiest undercover
cop today, walking down the hall in the
building where the federal agents have
their office. she was with another
undercover cop, but he was a guy
so i didn’t look at him except to
see he had dark hair, cut short. she had blonde
hair, straight and hanging to her shoulders,
waving lightly as she walked by. her face
was round and she had a pretty little
nose. she wore jeans and a windbreaker, both
light blue, but that’s all i dared see. she’s a
cop, there was no way i was going to stare,
look her up and down, try to make eye contact.

(Copyright 2023 by Tetman Callis.)

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 6:23 am

“Common-sense makes an admirable, and necessary, background for the mind; but unless it be watched by a lofty disquiet ever ready to remind it, when occasion demand, of the infinity of its ignorance, it dwindles into the mere routine of the baser side of our intellect.” – Maurice Maeterlinck, The Life of the Bee