Day: August 11, 2023

Alphabet StewAlphabet Stew

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 5:43 pm

Today we’re going to take the A-train
And ride it on down to B-town,
Get ourselves a couple of C-sections
Across the street from the D-home,
Check in and check out our E-mail
At the concrete kiosks by the F-stop,
Buy a big roll of red nylon G-string
Just in time for cocktails at H-hour,
Smoke ourselves a big fat J
And munch out on surplus K-rations
Slathered with steaming L-dopa
Hot out of the beeping M-wave
And cooked to the Nth degree,
With a side dish of crispy O-rings
Sprinkled with well-minded Ps and Qs
Of the highest discernable R-value
To be found along the S-curve
That wends its way around the T-square
Down by the harbor filled with U-boats
Crewed by sailors wearing V-necks,
Who pipe us aboard and hand us W-9s,
Then line us up for annual X-rays
Before we head back to our rooms at the Y
To settle in and catch ourselves some Zs.

(Copyright 2023 by Tetman Callis.)

the shunning full moanthe shunning full moan

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 6:04 am

the full moan rises
as the sin is setting.
the bids are settling in
for the nought. house-cots
begin their evening wonderings,
bets flitting overhead,
pursuing incest. watch-dugs
hail and burp at passing
shatters. livers bond their
buddies to gather, empensioned
ones swatting and mooning as
head-lice arc across their boardroom
walls. stirs spackle
the nought-time skis. son,
the tune will slap, its
inheritance at rust under
the shunning full moan.

(Copyright 2023 by Tetman Callis.)