Day: August 18, 2023

joie de vivrejoie de vivre

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 5:03 pm

junkie is as junkie does as junkie waits in wanting

junkie is as junkie has the junkie itch for scratching

junkie scratches junkie scratches
deep deep deep deep deep-set itch as junkie waits in wanting

waits in wanting lies in waiting
wants in living lies in wanting

junkie is as junkie is as junkie lies as junkie is
as junkie does as junkie is as junkie dies in wanting

(Copyright 2023 by Tetman Callis.)

mars (august 2003)mars (august 2003)

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 6:25 am

bright mars in the morning sky, brilliant
red-white light embedded in the cantaloupe
glow just above the shadow of the earth.
mars closer now than at any time in
history, maybe closer now than at
any time that would make sense, any sense
that could be felt and not the dry, remote
sense of numbers too large to be
comprehended. mars very close, mars next
door, in the holiday flags. mars the guide
star, illuminating, defining,

constraining, determining action and
reaction and reaction again. mars
the spotlight, sole light lighting the dark. bright
mars in the morning sky, growing closer,
blood-red light filling shadows, filling
the noon-day sky, filling the evening
sky, filling the midnight skies, filling all
the time in history. mars a presence
sensed in every dry bone, seen in every
eye, heard in every wailing song. mars a
mars now too large to be comprehended.

(Copyright 2003, 2023 by Tetman Callis.)

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 6:24 am

“To enhance the value of the Sabbath to the crew, they are allowed on that day a pudding, or, as it is called, a ‘duff.’ This is nothing more than flour boiled with water, and eaten with molasses. It is very heavy, dark, and clammy, yet it is looked upon as a luxury, and really forms an agreeable variety with salt beef and pork. Many a rascally captain has made friends of his crew by allowing them duff twice a week on the passage home.” – Richard Henry Dana, Two Years Before the Mast