The Art of Tetman Callis Verandah not too far from here

not too far from here

it happened not too far from here, last night,
just a few blocks up that way. there was this
guy beating his wife. she ran outside
and down the street, screaming for help. he ran
after her. a neighbor stepped in, told
the husband, hey, stop beating your wife.

the husband said, she is my wife and i
will beat her.
the wife screamed. the neighbor said,
no, really, stop beating your wife or i
will shoot you.
he had a gun. the husband
said, she is my wife and i will beat her.
you won’t shoot me.
the neighbor said, yes, i
will, so stop.
the wife screamed, but the husband
didn’t stop, so the neighbor shot him, twice.
once to stop him, and once to make sure.

(Copyright 2023 by Tetman Callis.)

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