Author: Tetman Callis

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 7:33 am

“We are pathologically linguistic. We chop the world up into propositions and, if we’re not careful, examine those rather than the world itself.” – Charles Foster, “The Soliloquies of the Lambs”

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 8:50 am

“Marriage is not to be undertaken frivolously; it requires a mature, fully developed dependency and a vast capacity for endurance.” – Valerie Solanas, “Up You Ass”

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 8:03 am

“I talk to men on their level; I have virile, potent, sophisticated interests—I adore positions of intercourse, Keynesian economics, and I can look at dirty pictures for hours on end.” – Valerie Solanas, “Up Your Ass”

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 7:41 am

“The five Pillars of Aristocracy are Beauty, Wealth, Birth, Genius, and Virtues. Any one of the three first, can at any time, over bear any one or both of the two last.” John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, November 15, 1813 (capitalization and punctuation in original)

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 7:27 am

“Inequalities of Mind and Body are so established by God Almighty in the Constitution of Human Nature that no Art or policy can ever plain them down to a level.” – John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, December 19, 1813 (capitalization and spelling in original)

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 6:08 am

“The same political parties which now agitate the U.S. have existed thro’ all time. And in fact the terms of whig and tory belong to natural as well as to civil history. They denote the temper and constitution and mind of different individuals.” – Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Adams, June 27, 1813

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 7:20 am

“I am 60 years old and can give you some advice. Never commit a crime against anybody whatsoever. That’s how you’ll grow old with clean hands.” – Mikhail Bulgakov, The Heart of a Dog (trans. Avril Pyman)

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 7:43 am

“One has to know about food, and — can you imagine? — the majority of people do not. You don’t just have to know what to eat, but when and how.” – Mikhail Bulgakov, The Heart of a Dog (trans. Avril Pyman)

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 7:43 am

“At the end of the day, it’s cheaper to be a good person.” – Justin King, “Let’s talk about Tennessee, the ACLU, and $500,000 . . .,” February 10, 2024

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 8:08 am

“I want a dyke for president. I want a person with aids for president and I want a fag for vice president and I want someone with no health insurance and I want someone who grew up in a place where the earth is so saturated with toxic waste that they didn’t have a choice about getting leukemia. I want a president that had an abortion at sixteen and I want a candidate who isn’t the lesser of two evils and I want a president who lost their last lover to aids, who still sees that in their eyes every time they lay down to rest, who held their lover in their arms and knew they were dying. I want a president with no air conditioning, a president who has stood on line at the clinic, at the dmv, at the welfare office and has been unemployed and layed off and sexually harrassed and gaybashed and deported. I want someone who has spent the night in the tombs and had a cross burned on their lawn and survived rape. I want someone who has been in love and been hurt, who respects sex, who has made mistakes and learned from them. I want a Black woman for president, I want someone with bad teeth, someone who has eaten hospital food, someone who crossdresses and has done drugs and been in therapy, I want someone who has committed civil disobedience. And I want to know why this isn’t possible. I want to know why we started learning somewhere down the line that a president is always a clown: always a john and never a hooker. Always a boss and never a worker, always a liar, always a thief and never caught.” – Zoe Leonard, “I want a president”

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 8:11 am

“There is cruelty and there is viciousness. Viciousness is the attack dog that hasn’t eaten in a week, and is drooling and barking and snarling. Cruelty is the person holding the leash.” – Amanda Long Chu, “I Want a Critic” (interview by Merve Emre)

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 6:51 am

“An important factor enabling the Soviets to seize the offensive and retain it is Lend-Lease. Lend-Lease food and transport particularly have been vital factors in Soviet success. Combat aircraft, upon which the Soviet Air Forces relied so greatly, have been furnished in relatively great numbers (11,300 combat planes received). Should there be a full stoppage it is extremely doubtful whether Russia could retain efficiently her all-out offensive capabilities. Even defensively the supply of Lend-Lease food and transport would play an extremely vital role. It amounts to about a million tons a year. If Russia were deprived of it, Germany could probably still defeat the U.S.S.R. Lend-Lease is our trump card in dealing with U.S.S.R. and its control is possibly the most effective means we have to keep the Soviets on the offensive in connection with the second front.” – General George C. Marshall, from a memorandum to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, March 31, 1944

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 7:23 am

“To establish a proper manpower balance for the United States in wartime was as difficult as it was important. The absolute ceiling on the number of men physically fit for active military service was estimated to be between fifteen and sixteen million. On the surface it was hard to understand, in the light of the available manpower pool, why there should be any U.S. manpower problem at all. Why, if Germany could maintain a military establishment of 9,835,000 or 10.9 percent of her population and Britain could support 3,885,000 or 8.2 percent of hers, did the United States manpower officials insist in late 1942 that 10,500,000 or only 7.8 percent would be the maximum force that the country could sustain without incurring serious dislocation to the American economy? The problem as well as the answer stemmed basically from the fact that the Allies had from the beginning accepted the proposition that the single greatest tangible asset the United States brought to the coalition in World War II was the productive capacity of its industry. From the very beginning, U.S. manpower calculations were closely correlated with the needs of war industry. The Army had therefore to compete for manpower not only with the needs of the other services but also with the claims of industry.” – Maurice Matloff, Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare:1943-1944

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 7:53 am

“In recognition of the fact that wartime military planning was inextricably involved with foreign policy, the Army planners intensified their efforts from the spring of 1943 onward to improve liaison with the White House and State Department. By and large, the Army remained preoccupied both before and after the spring of 1943 with the more strictly military aspects of national policy. This reflected staff acceptance of the code, on which it had been working since before the war, that civilian authorities determine the ‘what’ of national policy and the military confine themselves to the ‘how.’ Yet it is also apparent that the fine line between foreign policy and military policy was becoming increasingly blurred as the war went on. The President felt compelled to take an active part in military affairs, and the Army staff found more and more that it could not keep foreign and political affairs out of its military calculations. It had become painfully clear to the staff since the summer of 1942 that political policy might not permit the armed forces to follow the quickest and most direct road to victory according to its lights.” – Maurice Matloff, Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare:1943-1944

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 7:21 am

“They swarmed down upon us like locusts with a plentiful supply of planners and various other assistants with prepared plans to insure that they not only accomplished their purpose but did so in stride and with fair promise of continuing in their role of directing strategically the course of this war. I have the greatest admiration, . . . and if I were a Britisher I would feel very proud. However, as an American I wish that we might be more glib and better organized to cope with these super negotiators. From a worm’s eye viewpoint it was apparent that we were confronted by generations and generations of experience in committee work and in rationalizing points of view. They had us on the defensive practically all the time.” – General Albert C. Wedemeyer, January 22, 1943 (as quoted by Maurice Matloff in Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare:1943-1944)

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 8:00 am

“Arms races are a fact of global life. The first guns had been invented in about 1290, when the Chinese learned how to harness the propulsive powers of gunpowder. Yet the business of armaments grew and prospered much more rapidly in the West than in the East. The reason, William McNeill theorizes, can be summed up in a single word: capitalism. In the market-based economies of the West, there was ample incentive for craftsmen to continuously improve weapons for wealthy and impatient kings. The Chinese, while innovative in the laboratory, lacked the entrepreneurial urge that sparked so much Western achievement. Chinese culture in these early centuries taught that the concentration of too much money in too few private hands was immoral. Gunmakers in the West, bound by no such scruples, got down to work. The perfecting of deadly weapons held the promise of a big payday.” – Julia Keller, Mr. Gatling’s Terrible Marvel

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 6:45 am

“A democracy cannot fight a Seven Years’ War.” – General George C. Marshall, July, 1949 (as quoted by Maurice Matloff in Strategic Planning for Coalition Warfare:1943-1944)

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 7:25 am

“The surest way to becoming a doctor in the 1840s? Start calling yourself ‘Doctor.’ Indeed, one of the most famous ‘doctors’ of the nineteenth century, the man who made a fortune selling patent medicine, was Lucius S. Comstock of New York. His credentials consisted entirely of having pasted ‘M.D.’ to the end of his name. Later, for good measure, Comstock threw in a bogus law degree, too.” – Julia Keller, Mr. Gatling’s Terrible Marvel

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 6:52 am

“To the New England mind, roads, schools, clothes, and a clean face were connected as part of the law of order or divine system. Bad roads meant bad morals.” – Henry Adams, The Education of Henry Adams

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 8:02 am

“If a country can be said to possess a soul, then America’s is the patent system: the simple, fair method of staking claim to a new idea and getting the chance to make money from it.” – Julia Keller, Mr. Gatling’s Terrible Marvel

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 7:38 am

“Presidents have the power to make things worse, not really make them better on their own. They need Congress for that.” – Justin King, “The Roads to a Jan Q&A,” January 18, 2024

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 7:32 am

“The wealthy and the powerful aren’t just wealthy and powerful; they follow a different sort of norms and mores. When you go from working-class to professional-class, almost everything about your old life becomes unfashionable at best or unhealthy at worst.” – J. D. Vance, Hillbilly Elegy

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 7:41 am

“Working as a cashier turned me into an amateur sociologist. A frenetic stress animated so many of our customers. One of our neighbors would walk in and yell at me for the smallest of transgressions—not smiling at her, or bagging the groceries too heavy one day or too light the next. Some came into the store in a hurry, pacing between aisles, looking frantically for a particular item. But others waded through the aisles deliberately, carefully marking each item off of their list. Some folks purchased a lot of canned and frozen food, while others consistently arrived at the checkout counter with carts piled high with fresh produce. The more harried a customer, the more they purchased precooked or frozen food, the more likely they were to be poor. And I knew they were poor because of the clothes they wore or because they purchased their food with food stamps.” – J. D. Vance, Hillbilly Elegy

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 7:01 am

“There is nothing lower than the poor stealing from the poor. It’s hard enough as it is. We sure as hell don’t need to make it even harder on each other.” – Bonnie Blanton (as quoted by J. D. Vance in Hillbilly Elegy)

Tetman Callis 0 Comments 8:03 am

“One of the many unhappy oddities of the contemporary United States is that so many of us are Bible-obsessed yet have never read the Bible.” – Harold Bloom, Omens of Millennium