Weatherboard #3, 1994 by Tetman Callis (48 in. x 24 in.; acrylic and wood putty on wood)

VLA, 1993 by Tetman Callis (16 in. by 32 in.; mixed media–photographs, cardboard, water-soluble glue, and nylon thread on rag board)

Truly Portable Quick Meal Magic, 2001 by Tetman Callis (32 in. by 48 in.; mixed media–paper, acrylic, and glass on primed canvas)

The Tiny Prefix Language, 1999 by Tetman Callis (about 32 in. by 48 in.; mixed media–paper, acrylic, and plastic on canvas)

Template III of the Four Templates of Paradise, 1995 by Tetman Callis (2 ft. by 2 ft. with sharp rusty projections; mixed media–paper, tin, and sawdust on wood)

Template II of the Four Templates of Paradise, 1995 by Tetman Callis (about two foot square and four inches high; mixed media–wood, glass, and acrylic)

Sun, Bringer of Life, 2002 by Tetman Callis (about 32 in. by 48 in.; mixed media–acrylic and cotton on primed canvas)

Stapled #2, 1998 by Tetman Callis (about 8 in. by about 6 in.; mixed media–flowers stapled to rag board and mounted in a box)

Stapled #1, 1998 by Tetman Callis (about 8 in. by about 6 in.; mixed media–flowers stapled to rag board and mounted in a box)

Slats, 1998 by Tetman Callis (about 3 ft. by 4 ft.; mixed media–wood and cardboard on primed canvas)

Shard Izhar, 1991 by Tetman Callis (roughly 1 ft. by about 2 ft.; mixed media–glass, glue, dye-transfer dye, metal)

Sex for One, 1992 by Tetman Callis (about 12 in. x 18 in.; mixed media–paper, playing cards, photograph, adhesive stickers, electrical tape, conditioner, blood, and semen, on painted pine)
“My freedom will be so much the greater and more meaningful the more narrowly I limit my field of action and the more I surround myself with obstacles. Whatever diminishes constraint, diminishes strength. The more constraints one imposes, the more one frees oneself of the chains that shackle the spirit.” – Igor Stravinsky, Poetics of Music (quoted by Bridget Riley in “At the End of My Pencil”)

St. Sebastian, 1994 by Tetman Callis (about 2 ft. x 2 ft.; mixed media–doll, nails, screw, photographs, paper, blood, and saliva, on pine plywood)

Santa Teresa, 1994 by Tetman Callis (2 ft. x 2 ft.; mixed media–doll, nails, screw, paper, blood, semen, photographs, on pine plywood)

Plate, 1992 by Tetman Callis (about 8 in. x 2 ft.; mixed media–ceramic, glue, hair, lithium batteries, paper, berries, cloth, chewing gum, sewing needles)

Necklace #3, 1995 by Tetman Callis (components purchased from Stone Mountain Bead Gallery)

Necklace #1, 1995 by Tetman Callis (components purchased from Stone Mountain Bead Gallery)

Marilyn on a Stick, 1991 by Tetman Callis (about 2 ft. tall by about 8 in. round; mixed media–gift bag, painted metal decoration, toothpicks, little plastic babies, dried cholla stem, plaster of Paris, KFC bucket, gift wrap)

Manhattan 1993, 1993 by Tetman Callis (about 3 foot square with its transparent overlay; mixed media–photographs, rag board, metal, plastic, electrical tape)

Laughing (Please Touch), 1989 by Tetman Callis (about 3 ft. by about 5 ft. by about 2 ft.; mixed media–scrap metal, yarn, elastic, reflector, paper clips, little plastic dolls, hanging wire, barbed wire, rubber band)

Kiln Dried, 1992 by Tetman Callis (about 2 ft. x about 6 in. x about 4 in.; mixed media–nails, razor blade, paper, blood, butter, and semen on rag board on pine)

Intranslation, 1994 by Tetman Callis (about 2 ft. x about 4 in.; mixed media–pamphlets, tacks, nails, and screws on fiberboard)

Franklins 95, 1995 by Tetman Callis (about 5 ft. by about 4 in.; mixed media–photographs, cotton cloth, and plaster of Paris on pine)

Excoriate (main component), 1992 by Tetman Callis (about 2 in. by about 4 in. by about 2 in.; mixed media–French tchotchke, hanging wire, dye transfer dye, acrylic)

Crayons #30, 1996 by Tetman Callis, from The King of Crayons (about 4 in. by about 10 in.; crayon on cedar)

Crayons #29, 1996 by Tetman Callis, from The King of Crayons (about 4 in. by about 10 in.; crayon on cedar)

Billy Bob Sweet Thang, 1996 by Tetman Callis (about 18 in. x about 15 in.; mixed media–photograph, stickers, bullets, macaroni, plywood)

NYC 1992, Exterior #4, from NYC Exteriors Series #1 (copyright by Tetman Callis)

NYC 1992, Exterior #3, from NYC Exteriors Series #1 (copyright by Tetman Callis)